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It’s been very tough in a battle, an uphill battle for sure

It's been very tough in a battle, an uphill battle for sure. Celebrate diversity. Be the X-tra in ordinary.

“It’s been very tough in a battle, an uphill battle for sure”

My husband and I recently teamed up with a company called Leaf of Life. We’re helping them basically to establish a fair systems for cannabis in Jamaica to help eradicate poverty with the cannabis crop through basically establishing fair policy in the government and bringing money there so that they are able to develop the crop on their own and create their own sustainable businesses there. It’s been very tough in a battle, an uphill battle for sure. 

Cannabis in general is a very controversial topic and a lot of people still feel that it is a drug so we are trying to educate people and that is a huge thing. We are starting our platform which is educating the public and educating people all over the world about cannabis and the benefits of it and what it can do for the world to eradicate poverty overall.

When I was little I actually had a blanket that I got from my grandmother, it was a quilted blanket. It was yellow. And that is something I always had. It felt like a cloak of confidence, an invisible cloak and a way you feel comfortable with yourself and secure.

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories  ~ Celebrate Diversity