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To be surrounded by amazing, beautiful pieces of art everyday inspire me to do better at my job

“To be surrounded by amazing, beautiful pieces of art everyday inspire me to do better at my job”

I think the biggest thing for me was finding the best work-life balance, kind of thing. As a mom of two kids and somebody who loves what they do and is passionate about creative endeavors.

After working for lots of other people and horrible jobs and terrible things and stress and everything it takes it’s toll on you mentally and physically. I really wanted to find a really good work-life balance. Luckily I have been blessed to work for myself for the last decade, then I opened an additional business, the gallery that now my partner and I have had for four years. To be surrounded by amazing, beautiful pieces of art everyday inspires me to do better at my job and I get to take that home, whether it’s off time with my kids, fun time and not being stressed.

When you work in an art gallery and when you’re surrounded by artist and really cool people, you met some of the most amazing people who are artist, it is so inspirational.

My favorite stuffed animal was a hand puppet, a white lamb. I took that thing everywhere. I don’t know if my mom ever washed it. It was soft and fuzzy. Jody was its name. It wasn’t really big but it had the cutest little face. Jody was my friend. I was an only child and I found ways to entertain myself. I would play with Jody all the time and then Jody got me into other puppets. My mom had built a beautiful puppet theater that went into the door of my bedroom. I loved the puppet play. And then I would have a show and bring my mom and dad in. I would have them sit in the hallway and they would watch my puppet show. I would talk and sing and who knows what with all the dolls.

For the next 11 days I will be focusing on the people of Sandusky, Ohio. They were kind enough to share their stories with me. I met some amazing people and they make up the “Perfect Reject Stories of Sandusky”.

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories  ~ Celebrate Diversity