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It’s a lifetime process of transforming so, it’s not really done

It's a lifetime process of transforming so, it's not really done. Celebrate difference and Celebrate diversity.

“It’s a lifetime process of transforming so, it’s not really done”

I’ve always been different. At first it didn’t start out being a good thing. I think throughout time, throughout being very introverted and taking that pain and hatred stuffed in myself I started to come out of my shell a little bit and transform that into a good thing through my art. It’s a process though. It’s a lifetime process of transforming so, it’s not really done. Around where I’m from, it’s was a small, small town and everybody talks. If you’re not head of the sports team or you don’t have that last name then you don’t really fit in. Luckily, I happened to find the studio. I kind of fit, if that makes sense. I don’t feel like I ever fit but I do here. It has brought me a lot of acceptance and it’s given me the opportunity to make money from being different. I think all artists take a lot of their life experiences and that’s where their creativity comes for and that’s where their art is produced. It’s a good outlet. 

I used to have a teddy bear and his name was Jake. He was my favorite. He gave me comfort. I think that stuffed animals are that solid thing in your life, especially growing up because everything is so shifty. You’re finding out that life is not consistent so that’s one thing that a child finds consistency in.

For the next 11 days I will be focusing on the people of Sandusky, Ohio. They were kind enough to share their stories with me. I met some amazing people and they make up the “Perfect Reject Stories of Sandusky”.

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories  ~ Celebrate Diversity