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It has been a fight to kind of come out of my shell

It has been a fight to kind of come out of my shell. Be the X-tra in ordinary.“It has been a fight to kind of come out of my shell”

My whole life I’ve struggled with really bad anxiety, social anxiety, different types of food anxiety and I tried my entire life to break out of that doing theater, and working in fashion. You have to be an extrovert and I definitely am not. It has been a fight to kind of come out of my shell. You can’t be an introvert when you deal with this kind of stuff all day when you have to talk to people. 

This has caused me to be more comfortable with myself and express myself in other ways, nonverbally. That’s why I dress a little bit differently. I write a little bit differently as well, because it’s a little bit easier to express myself that way than by talking. 

I used to have a little Pikachu that I used to carry around all the time. A friend won it for me. It was really sentimental to me when I moved up to LA and I didn’t have a lot of friends up here. It was a reminder of home. It was a kind of comfort and gives me a little happiness if you are stressed out or missing home. You can look at it and feel little bit better to know that there are people back there that support you. 

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories  ~ Celebrate Diversity