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The more resistance I encountered the more certain I was this is what I wanted to be


The more resistance I encountered the more certain I was this is what I wanted to be. He is a holding Wilson the bear named after Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, made by Nina R Salerno.

“The more resistance I encountered the more certain I was this is what I wanted to be”

I grew up in a very small town in The Netherlands. And looking like this, in a small town, in a small country got me a lot of frowns. And also being a musician being into hard rock, heavy metal music that made me even more of an outsider. That is one of the main reasons why I came here which I think is kind of a city of outsiders. It is easier to feel at home here amongst all the other outsiders.

It made me more determined to be who I actually wanted to be. The more resistance I encountered the more certain I was this is what I wanted to be. This is how I wanted to express myself. The more people told me I couldn’t do what I wanted to do, the more they told me I couldn’t look the way I wanted to look, the more I would do it, which in turn created more resistance. In a way it was tough but it made me very determined to choose my path in life. I did and now that choice actually created a career for me. So that is good. 

When I was a kid I had a rabbit. It was fairly big. At one point it was probably taller than myself. I don’t remember if it had a name or not because it was so long ago. It was my companion during my early childhood years. I slept with him. I dragged him around everywhere.

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