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Jewish Elf ?!?

By October 19, 2015November 27th, 2015A Perfect Reject, News, Perfect Reject
Meet Sydney's friend, Moshe, the friendly mensch...sitting on the bench.

Meet Sydney’s friend, Moshe, the friendly mensch…sitting on the bench.


I once asked a Gelson’s sales clerk where the Rosh Hashanah cards were. With a puzzled look the clerk asked “what’s that?”.
I yelled, “you mean to tell me that a North Hollywood Gelson’s doesn’t know what Rosh Hashanah is? Noooo way!”.

Now, I’m not Jewish mind you, but I grew up on Long Island where you’re either Jewish or Italian. Most, if not all my friends were Jewish. Even my “second family” is Jewish. I’ve been to more seders than most Jews who live in California. At 16 I went to Israel and worked on a Kibbutz and an archeology dig, where I got the worst case of food poisoning. More on this later.

Hanukkah is as much a part of my life as Christmas, so when I heard Neal Hoffman’s story of creating Mensch on a Bench in response to his son’s holiday request for an Elf on a Shelf. I was tickled. One holiday season, Neal Hoffman, responded to his son’s request of wanting an elf on a shelf with “Jews don’t do elves on shelves, we do mensches on benches”. This has a nice rhyme to it, a new Hanukkah song?

Mensch on a Bench not only celebrates difference and diversity it tells the story of Hanukkah. Neal Hoffman created a much needed toy for an outsider.

Aldo, a rabbit and a Perfect Reject, made Hanukkah card

Aldo made Hanukkah cards to celebrate the season in style. Get them here. Hanukkah starts on December 6th.


An outsider stood up and did something exceptional by creating a Mensch on a Bench. Learn more about Mensch on a Bench here.

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