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I’m not perfect. I’m only 18

By December 24, 2015December 25th, 2015Perfect Reject Stories • Tattered Torn and Loved •

“I'm not perfect. I'm only 18.”

“I’m not perfect. I’m only 18.” 

Struggles and obstacles make a person, it molds an individual. If I see struggle as a challenge, and if I can break it, then I can overcome it.

Some people are more fortunate than others to have a car. I don’t have a car so to get places I have to run and that is a struggle, a form of physical pain that I have endured. 

I never was really attached to materials because they are temporary. I just look at things that are substantial. That is what my pops taught me. He taught me to look for sustenance instead of temporariness. I may want this, but do I need it, and if I want it, know it is going to be temporary. Think about the big picture. I’m still learning. I’m not perfect. I’m only 18. I still have a long way to go.

I know I won’t smile or have my pearly whites show until I get to the finish line and that won’t be for a while. The finish line for me is having a career. I want to be a nurse or a fire fighter.

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