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I always had a feeling in the back of my mind that I could do something more inspiring

When I was working I always had a feeling in the back of my mind that I could do something more inspiring. He is a holding Wilson the bear named after Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys, made by Nina R Salerno.

“I always had a feeling in the back of my mind that I could do something more inspiring”

I’m from Brazil. I’m 25 years old. I graduated in marketing in Brazil, about eight years ago. I finished my university and I worked in the area for a little bit. When I was working I always had a feeling in the back of my mind that I could do something more inspiring and something that would fulfill myself as human being, as a person better. So I decided to quit my job and travel somewhere else which was not my country and go outside of my comfort zone to pursue my dream and study something that would challenge me to be a better person and give me better opportunities of meeting new people and being happier with what I am doing.

So I quit my job. I had a pretty nice job in Brazil and working with nice companies to come to the US to learn an instrument so I can pursue my dream of becoming a musician and expressing all those feelings that I have inside of me in the form of music. Here I am a year and a half into it, I’ve never been so happy in my life. I’ve been meeting the best people. I’ve been feeling the joy and the energy of being alive every single day of my life. I thank God for making me feel this way and make me realize that I had so much more in store for me than just working at a 9 to 5 job.

When I was little I had a teddy bear that my mom gave me. I was really attached to it but later on in my life my dog took it. And ripped it. That was a tragic story. It was good company for me, just a nice friend whenever I didn’t have anybody around me.

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories  ~ Celebrate Diversity