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It did help shape me by being harassed constantly

Perfect Reject Stories

“It did help shape me by being harassed constantly”

During elementary school from fourth grade to seventh grade I was an outsider, For many years. I went to a Christian school where they made up rumors about me that I was gay. I wasn’t gay but they constantly harassed me. I went to a public school after that where being gay was no big deal. In fact, you were probably more popular if you were. But I was at a Christian school where that was a no-no. I’m really big, I can take care of myself but they knew I wasn’t going to touch them unless they were physical. So everything that happened was all verbal. I lost a lot of friends. Thankfully there were a couple that stood by me during that. That was a real bad time in my life. Actually public school saved some of my sanity. When I was in public school I was able to relate to more people. People were actually for less cruel in public school than they were in Christian school. By the end of the 4 years in public school I was voted most likely to take over the world. Everyone knew me, it seemed like.

I got over that, recently I had severe depression and anxiety and panic attacks for weeks on end. Just within the last year I had gotten over it. I haven’t had a panic attack in over a year. It went from happening every day to not having it at all. I was always afraid to take medication so I didn’t take it. I got over it without medication but I was still depressed. So I made a decision to take the medication and it has been helping a lot.

I’m a very compassionate person. It may not seem like it sometimes but I have understandings towards others. I guess it did help shape me by being harassed constantly.

I had a lot of stuffed animals that were important to me when I was little. I had one stuffed animal and I named it 13 after how old my sister was turning on that birthday when I got it. It was a lion. I still have that lion. He keeps me company in bed at night. I have fond memories of having stuffed animals. Even in high school I had stuffed animals all over my bed, and I was a grown person.

~ Be the Xtra in Ordinary ~ Perfect Reject Stories  ~ Celebrate Diversity