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Perfect Reject’s go to School

By May 21, 2015November 27th, 2015A Perfect Reject, Perfect Reject

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Lucy Perillo, a preschool teacher in South Carolina, got a few cute and cuddly additions to her classroom.

I teach in self contained special education classroom. My students have a wide range of special needs. Despite some of the obstacles they face, they are truly the most inspiring children I have worked with. They don’t let anyone or anything bring them down! My students welcomed our Perfect Rejects into the classroom with welcome arms. Their favorite thing to do is sit them in the chairs and play teacher!

Perfect Rejects inspire self acceptance and self confidence in all who are around them.
Celebrate difference and Celebrate love.

Be the Xtra in ordinary!

Perfect Rejects are Quirky. Authentic. Wonderful. Just like you.
Our Original and Unique Plush Toys are 100% Recycled. Each is one-of-a kind, signed and numbered.
Creative gifts for that special person.
Celebrate DifferenceBe Exceptional.
Imperfect means I’m perfect you’re perfect just the way you are.